As we get closer to the zero shift point of 2012, with all the changes and implications that this entails; public manifestations, violent massive protests, turmoil's and upheavals are growing rampant worldwide. Even though our mission is to resist tyranny, corruption, oppression, control, exploitation and slavery, we encourage an Evolution rather than a political revolution, or violent uprisings and revolts as it’s happening in several countries.
An Evolution of the body, mind and soul is the key. This can be accomplished by awakening your Consciousness, that is to say, to become aware of who you really are, where you are and why you are here or what the purpose of your existence is all about. By doing so, the individual begins to attain or regain her/ his spiritual human potential and becomes aware, empowered and capable to help himself and others around, whether to restore his/her natural rights and freedom or to revert or change any negative situation in a more peaceful and consistent fashion.
Con•scious•ness / adj. / 1 the state of being awake. 2 awareness
The year 2012 is that universal window whereby humanity can make an exponential leap in consciousness and reclaim the sovereignty that all we’ve born with.
Getting informed is the first step to take, and there is not lack of information, as a matter of fact, everything around (Matrix) is built out of information (light). Realize the power that is within you and take part in this Re+Evolution of your mind, body and soul to change the world as you always dreamed it. Only you have the power to unlock your potential, it’s a matter of choice, and consciousness is the key."Emancipate yourselves from Mental Slavery, none but ourselves can free our Minds" - Bob Marley
This is an individual journey, so please feel yourself free to browse these videos, sites and links which will provide you with basic information and guidance in your path to awakening and liberation.
To read more about Re+Evolution vs Revolution click here: Bonus Tracks , but before that, please watch some of the videos bellow and the rest if you want to.